Friday, January 20, 2012

Sam Chaplin of Safe Passage - workshop update

We're excited to announce this workshop that will take place on Saturday, February 4th of Ladyfest. Bring ideas, share stories, leave with resources.

Workshop Title:
Resource Overview and Strategizing Session: Supporting Survivors of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence in 
Your Community.

Sam Chaplin (Domestic Violence Advocate, Safe Passage) and Christopher Logue (Staff Attorney, Casa Myrna Vazquez) will be leading a discussion on ways to support folks who are currently experiencing or have experienced sexual assault, domestic/dating violence and stalking. They will be comparing legal system responses and resouces to community accountability measures. This will be a discussion that encourages knowledge-sharing and dialogue, and all are welcome to contribute to the talk. Please bring stories, strategies and issues you've encountered while combatting sexual assault and d.v. in your communities. You will leave the workshop with plenty of resources as well!

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